Well here we are in late March, and the sun is shinning nicely, as we move towards Springtime. Life always improves in relation to the weather I think. It feels like it anyway. Work, sadly. has taken up most of my time lately, though in the 'current economic climate', I shouldn't be complaining of that really should I.
We didn't manage a game last week, ( I'd been on nights, and I'm beginning to feel the effects of
shiftwork these days!) so we had a round of 'Call of Duty', an
Xbox WW2 game-(I have been told by my youngest that
Xbox does not start with an 'E'...
weell what do I know eh!). I have to say, it fills a spot for a type of skirmish game, and it's very random and realistic I think..as a plain soldier, I didn't know if I was coming or going most of the time, there was bullets and explosions everywhere, and I hardly saw the enemy. It was hard work just to keep my character alive really, so yeah, realistic to the point of making you think how damned awful real warfare is. Still, the 'Nazi Zombie' scenario at the end was different, and a tad worrying too, even with
MG's/shotguns/grenades we didn't live for long. The bugger's just keep coming on till you run out of bullets..if you blaze away as I do, theory being that more firepower=more defence..I found, c/o Richie, that actually hitting the target did help and that Zombies don't suffer from morale. After all, they're already dead, so what do they care eh. It does teach a good lesson on the need to have a basic plan and to work together though, so as a quick gaming session, it were good and enjoyable.
It's Salute this Saturday, large hurrah, haven't been for some years now, so I'm looking forward to that, there's a car full of us going down there for a visit, including Hairy Dave, lately back from a Missionary Trip to New Zealand. I'm not planning any big purchase, but there is a particular 25mm wagon set I need from Old Glory, so I hope they've got one in. And with a wander about, no doubt
there'll be something else that I need that I didn't realise I needed till I saw it. You know how it is. I have got round to preparing my 10mm
Hugomont buildings for painting, so really should get on with that soon. A bit of variety keeps the interest levels up and avoids stagnation. I'm back up to date with
BattleGame and WI magazines, having
received bundles of them by post, and had a right god read through. It's surprising what you miss when you let your subscriptions expire.
Lastly, welcome to Andy
McMaster, latest Follower, who does a very interesting AWI Blog himself, see the Links list and have a look through it..I'm sure I know you from a Site somewhere..hope you enjoy the Blog and thanks for joining.
Apologise for being a tad quiet of late, but as said, work interferes with my hobby at times, and that's where I'm off to now. Bah Humbug!